13 comments on “Re-Order ListView Items with Drag & Drop – I

  1. Nice work!
    Some mentions on this.
    In the Sorting class you have a BindableProperty, but its propertyName is set to “IsSortabble” while in Xaml we use “IsSortable”. This wont work.
    Also it would be nice to mention that we need the “ResolutionGroupName()” and “ExportEffect()” attributes in the “PlatformEffect”.
    They strings as keys costed me headaches.
    In the end I got it work and I am very happy that you create this.
    I can’t wait for the Android part, any idea on when this will be done?


    • hey Maurice, you are absolutely right… I think the typos happened when moving the code to the blog post 🙂 I am planning to push the sample project to github once the android part is finished…


      • Hey Can, Thanks again!. Pushing the code to Github would be perfect because that would be easier to read for some people.


  2. Pingback: Re-Order ListView Items with Drag & Drop – II | Can Bilgin

  3. Hi,

    great work, but I have a strange issue. I reordered all items in my ListView, set the AllowOrdering property to false. Than I move the ListView up and down and the Item are in a very strange order. In the debugger, the ItemSource of the ListView in the correct order. Any suggestion, why the UI ordering is not the same, like the ItemSource? The binding is set to TwoWay.

    Thank, Markus


  4. Unfortunately this is no good when you need to scroll the table view. It seems cell recycling gets involved and you get duplicate phantom items visibly.


  5. Hi,
    I’m having an issue on implementing the code in IOS. When the Listview is loading, before the load is complete a exception is thrown: Foundation.You_Should_Not_Call_base_In_This_Method: ‘Exception of type ‘Foundation.You_Should_Not_Call_base_In_This_Method’. Do you have any ideia of what it could be?

    Thanks, Eduardo


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